- Scheme, Lambda-Calculus, Lisp, CLOS.
- My small web server.
- Swindle, my CLOS extension for MzScheme.
- Scheme specification - the Revised^5 Report: Text, PostScript.
- Common Lisp, the Language - a Text version.
- A meta processor for Scheme, with some interesting examples, and an Emacs hack to highlight it.
- The maze drawing program that I use to draw mazes with.
- GCalc (a toy graphic lambda-calculus) is now part of PLT (as a game).
- A smart minesweeper game makes those stupid clicking for you.
- A remsync-like utility for synchronizing files across computers that are not always connected
- A small server program that turns and stdin/out process to a network server.
- Finally, there's the Scheme program that I use to create these pages. This is part of Swindle (and also used by my server). If you want to use it, you'll want to read the documentation.
(all Scheme code is for MzScheme)
- Emacs
- Linux
- Nietzsche
- Good Music
- Digital photography and other stuff.